These projects produced by young artists all over the world, especially Czech Republic,are projects, that  according to me represent the modern idea of graphics.These works  give inspiration to new artists All of these are linked to my first adjectvie "modern", but lots of them also represent other two adjectives,dinamic and meaningfull.The term modern is relative, and for each one us can mean something else, but with these projects I have tried to express my inderstanding of modern.
Laws for transformation

1.Given that adjective modern is very relevant, it is difficult to determine one certain law to trasform something to become modern. In general it can be said that the project, graphic work or object of use is considered modern when it is liked and widely used by the mass,it can be said taht is modern when it's commercial campaign had reached certain success on the market, but this is mainly related to the objects of use. For graphic work, it is difficult to say...the work projected by young artist with new, original ideas, new technological use of media...all of these can be considered modern.

To trasform one object to become modern, modern technological media should be used, ....these days it is very difficult create something comunicative, modern impact without use of modern media.....the object that  is needed to be trasformed should go through a research, how it is liked by people, what commercial success could it have.

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   LAB 2002